“Komi Kino” is the only film distribution organization in the Republic of Komi in Syktyvkar (Russia), which enables people in the towns and most remote settlements to have the opportunity to join the art of cinema and see the old favorites or new movies of modern cinematography.
Film distribution has been functioning since 1937. It has gone through several reorganizations, its structure has changed, but it is still the only and vitally important link that connects film production and film viewers. The enterprise also provides guided tours, organizes events, repairs film and video equipment.
Inclusion in movie circuit is not only about cinemas, film sets and film copies. People play a major role in this process, too. They are highly qualified professionals, who care deeply about their work: film inspectors, film fund keepers, projectionists, methodologists, and film promotion specialists. Thanks to their effort, cinema clubs and a cinema museum were formed. This helped popularize cinematography among people, especially in the provinces.