Meg Isaaks - Sound Cartography

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An ongoing conversation between sound, space and time is at the centre of my practice. My work explores the process of drawing a landscape through its sounds to create a temporary map, one that will be constantly changing and near impossible to navigate by. I've taken the traditional cartography grid onto my drawings, adding some structure and familiarity into the abstract marks. Different planes of sounds start to emerge, and a sense of space and depth is birthed.

All my work starts in the landscape; spending time in my surroundings to get familiar with the acoustic space before I start drawing. These drawings are then brought into the studio. It’s there that I begin to explore different media, where I have the time to play with the materials and the different qualities they bring out in my drawings. 



Matt Hughes - ‘With Regard to the Credibility of Images’


Camille Relet - ‘Ariane’